Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a boy and a girl!

We've now had 2 ultra sounds to confirm that our twins are a boy and a girl. They look healthy, except the girl is a little smaller. As a result, I have to see a maternal fetal medicine specialist for the remainder of my pregnancy. He's not sure exactly why there's a size difference so early, but hopefully it's nothing serious. All he suggested today as a possible problem would be "twin to twin" where one twin is getting too much blood, and the other isn't getting enough. If this is the case, I would have to go to L.A. or San Francisco to have "laser surgery" on the babies. Scary! I really hope they are fine, but we won't know for 3 weeks until our next appointment.

Lake Powell 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wes' Wakeboarding

This is Wes wake boarding at Lake Powell. We went there with the Sessions family. It was a lot of fun! Wes loves Lake Powell and wake boarding is his favorite sport. Check out Wes doing a flip.

Lake Powell

Another summer, another trip to Lake Powell. We really love our yearly trip to Powell. It was really low-key for me this year, since I am pregnant. Although, I enjoyed the relaxation time. Kylee loves to knee-board, and Wes can't get enough wake boarding while we're there. If his body could hold up, I think he would wake board everyday, 3-5 times a day. The weather was good, but a little windy. It actually wasn't hot this year. We even had to use blankets at night when we slept, very unusual.

Yellowstone Pics

Too many pics to post all in one. What a great vacation. Thanks Mom and Dad for sponsoring our trip! We love you all.

Family Reunion in Yellowstone

There were moments we thought we were in Disneyland, with all the crowds. However, Yellowstone really was grand. It was nice to spend time with all my family, and see a little of the beauty that the world has to offer. Kylee loved playing with her cousins.