Monday, August 24, 2009

It's a boy and a girl!

We've now had 2 ultra sounds to confirm that our twins are a boy and a girl. They look healthy, except the girl is a little smaller. As a result, I have to see a maternal fetal medicine specialist for the remainder of my pregnancy. He's not sure exactly why there's a size difference so early, but hopefully it's nothing serious. All he suggested today as a possible problem would be "twin to twin" where one twin is getting too much blood, and the other isn't getting enough. If this is the case, I would have to go to L.A. or San Francisco to have "laser surgery" on the babies. Scary! I really hope they are fine, but we won't know for 3 weeks until our next appointment.


Ben and Melis said...

Congrats!!! Hope everything works out well :)

Jacob and Emily said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting, to get one of each.

Anonymous said...

Congrats... I am soo excited for you!!!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations! I bought a best of Sarah Mcgalughlin CD last night and it reminded me of you. I hope all is well with your family.

harmsie said...

I am so excited for you how fun to have one of each. take care hope all goes well. My neighbors boy and girl twin were like that and they turned out fine one just ate more.

Amanda said...

We will keep you in our prayers, I'm sure everything will work out and they will arrive safely! Keep us updated! Congratulations, I am so happy for you! I left you a message to get together, I'm sure you're super busy with work and everything! If you have a spare sec give me a call.