Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last Day of Work--

Posted by PicasaFriday was my last day of work. I will have to go back after my maternity leave, unless Wes a big raise at his new job. I feel ready to be home. It's been hard to do even my office hours these days. I'm always the topic of conversation at work, whenever someone sees me. They like to make comments like, "you're getting big," or "I think you've dropped," or my favorite comment from a lady at church last week, "I like your mumu." I was wearing this red dress that actually isn't even a maternity dress, but it's just one of those crinkle dresses that stretches a lot. I told Wes that I now need to burn it!
Hopefully, these babies will stay in for another week or two. I just hope they give my back a break.


Amanda said...

Aub, you look great!!!! I can only imagine how uncomfortable you probably feel though with 2 babies in there! I am dying with 1 baby by 9 months! Don't you LOVE all the comments people willingly give too? So annoying...guess it gives us something to laugh about....after pregnancy!

Can't wait to see those sweet twins!!!

Amanda said...

Congrat's on Wes' new job too!

Jeni said...

Aubrey- you look great! I am so excited for your twins!!! And a boy and a girl, how absolutely perfect!!!

Keep us informed as to when the babies arrive!!!

Tara R. said...

You are one of those annoyingly beautiful,'glowing' pregnant women. Will you hurry and pop so you don't make us all look bad?? Best of luck! I'm so excited for you. Love Tara