Wednesday, May 13, 2009

An update on our family planning

As many of you know, we are doing in vitro. I had my eggs implanted on Monday, and now I'm on bedrest, waiting for them to take. We'll find out in 10 days if it worked. We do have one egg frozen in Las Vegas, but we're really hoping this time it will work. It's so expensive. I'm grateful for modern technology though. I'll keep updating my blog--stay tuned!


Jeni said...

Please keep us updated!!! I am excited to hear what transpires. You stay on bed rest and eat lots of cookies. Yum!!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you and i hope nothing but the best for you.. Good luck Aub

Amanda said...

I am anxious to hear! I hope all is going well, let me know if you need ANYTHING!!!